Ningbo Ambel Household Appliance Co. Ltd
EngagedinDesigningand Trading of VariousElectricalAppliances
NingboAmbelHouseholdApplianceCo. Ltd isengagedinthedesigningand trading of various electrical appliances. Our company also has two branch factories, two brands and six product engineers.

Benefit from Our Advantages
We provide the most accurate and timely information as to what is happening to your goods in China. We honor every single word from our clients. Honesty and integrity are the bases of our communication with clients.

You can expect the following benefits from working with us:
  • Better communication
  • Very competitive prices
  • Hands-on production management
  • Improved product quality
  • Timely delivery
  • Improved business transparency and legal protection

We hope to have mutual development with you today. Contact us to begin sourcing.